Reporting from Quiltropolis 50273

If a colleague whose opinion you value says, “You really ought to meet so-and-so,” agree to it immediately. A few months ago, a Winterset friend (Jerry)* said, “Marianne, you really ought to meet Julie Gammack.” I think the world of Jerry, so I said yes. Julie Gammack is an Iowa native, a former Des Moines … Read more

Snowstorm Baking

In the fall of 2020, my husband and I moved into an historic, two-story brick building just off Winterset’s town square. We can see the Madison County Courthouse from our front windows! Last winter, during the early hours of what was the first of 3.5 major snowstorms, our longtime housework helper, Brandy, arrived. “Looks like … Read more

She Loves Movies

My daughters and I moved into Winterset from our previous home, a farm seven miles from town, when they were thirteen, nine, and six. The transition was rough, but town life had its advantages. The post office was next door. Hannah, Mary, and Rebecca could walk to school. The Iowa Theater was just two blocks … Read more

Puppy Dog Transport Service

Here in aptly-named WINTERset, we’re having quite the sporty winter. Around here, even before the last snowflake hits the ground, guys are out there, “pushing snow.” Pushing snow is not the same as removing snow from one’s sidewalk with a shovel. It involves a pickup with a blade on the front, and bags of snowmelt … Read more

I Was A 2020 Poll Worker

On November 3, 2020, I stepped outside my door at 5:45 a.m. and walked the four-block distance to First United Methodist Church for my election worker debut. (Because of COVID, Winterset Precincts 1 and 2 were combined into a single polling location.) I wore a face mask I stitched myself (two layers of batik with … Read more

I Feel So Moved

Growing up, my family changed houses only about four times that I can remember. We moved from Iowa, where I was born, to Kansas City, where I started school, then to Friendswood, Texas, and after that to Houston, where I graduated from Bellaire High School in 1967. As is typical, I relocated numerous times in … Read more

Ovation(s) for A Tiny Movie Theater

The Iowa Theater in Winterset, Iowa, known locally as “The Iowa,” is once again a gem of a space—Art Deco facade, classic marquee, single silver screen, 150 seats (including balcony), red velvet curtain that opens dramatically at start of show, and a concession stand offering Iowa-grown popcorn served with real butter. The Iowa closed in … Read more