AMERICANAH by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

I’ve always thought of myself as an avid reader, but during my very busy career years, time was scarce for one of my greatest personal pleasures. Once I “retired” in 2006, I gained time, but soon was pursuing my own literary project. I spent five years continuing my research on Mary Shelley and FRANKENSTEIN, studying … Read more

Quilters, Come Visit Winterset!

One of my community’s joys is welcoming visitors to our picturesque little town. Collectively, we love to share the uniqueness that is Winterset and Madison County. Annually, in May, we embrace hundreds of guests for the John Wayne Birthplace Celebration, thousands in October for the Madison County Covered Bridge Festival. We open our arms every … Read more

THE DOLLHOUSE: Fun for Fans of NYC

The historic building that was once the Barbizon Hotel for Women is arguably a guest protagonist in Fiona Davis’ debut, THE DOLLHOUSE. If you’re fascinated (as I am) by all-things-New-York-City, you’ll enjoy a pleasant read. Built in 1927, the 23-floor architectural gem on East 63rd Street once housed young women seeking their fortunes in the … Read more

Words On Water

This year’s Washington Island Literary Festival (September 13-15) will feature authors and books focused on water, including Kirk Landers’ compelling novel ALONE ON THE SHIELD and Jeff Goodall’s relevant report on climate change, THE WATERS WILL COME.   One of my recent pleasures as a member of the author selection committee was to write a … Read more

Long May We Wave

Nothing’s prettier than my town square on a national holiday. Sponsored by individuals and businesses, crisp, bright American flags line the perimeter of the courthouse on the lawn side and wave in front of storefronts on the retail side. The local Lion’s Club and Optimist Club, assisted by the Boy Scouts, place the flags early … Read more

Lit Fest Reading

As a planning committee member for the wonderful Washington Island Literary Festival, I was on the author selection team, reading fiction works this past winter by several writers under consideration. Now that the slate of presenters is confirmed for the September event, I’m exploring titles that weren’t on my personal review list. Bonnie Jo Campbell’s ONCE … Read more

“Mary Shelley”—The (Terrible) Movie

Anyone who knows me reasonably well knows I’m a huge fan of Mary Shelley, author of Frankenstein. Mary completed her groundbreaking novel at just nineteen, went on to write other, far less popular works, was widowed at twenty-five, and never remarried. Pregnant five times, only one of her children reached adulthood. Because this is Frankenstein’s … Read more

Mutual Admiration

Around age thirty-five, my years of traveling away from Winterset began. Liz Porter and I had published our first quilt book, CLASSIC QUILTED VESTS, in 1982, prompting a steady stream (via the US Post Office) of teaching and lecturing invitations from all over the US. After publication of QUILTERS COMPLETE GUIDE in 1992, and the … Read more